Saturday, April 03, 2004

Personal Ad

It would run something like this...

GWM, 39, 6'2", 188 lbs, 7c. Carversville, PA. Built, inked, pierced, cigar smoker, leatherman.

For the past 15 yrs, I've worked my body. Weight training, free weights, staying active. I'm in the best shape now that I've ever been. For the past 20 years, I've developed my mind, exploring philosophy, theology, literature, the history of ideas, art and architecture, science, archaeology. I've tested theory in praxis, by traveling, exploring, and challenging myself with new experiences. For the past 12 years, I've explored the furthest outposts of human experience in the arena of BDSM, making the journey with conviction, thinking deeply about what I see and feel and experience. I grew up in the country, spent most of my adult life living in cities (Philadelphia and NYC), and now I'm back in the country. I write, I weld, I'm an apprentice cabinet maker by trade, I like the outdoors, I enjoy travel, I'm a good cook.

I'm looking for a man. A man who lives an hour and a half or less away from me. A good man. A wise man. A man who also lives his life with conviction. A man who lives his life according to his own rules. I like big men with thick bodies. Love the feeling of a hairy chest against my back when we're curled in bed together. I have a strong preference for a man with hair on his face, and the more the better. Also a strong preference for men who smoke cigars. Because I think that two men enjoying cigars together--in a hot tub, watching the sunset, on the beach, beside a campfire--is a beautiful way for men to be together.

Sexually, I'm not so much versatile as I am fundamentally flexible. I'm a competent Top. So if'n you're a bottom... a cub, a boy, a man who feels within himself the strong desire for the security that comes from a collar padlocked around his neck... then come to Daddy. But maybe you're a Top. You get off on control. You love the feeling that wells up in you when a good, strong man looks up at you with love, admiration and awe, and you know that man belongs to you in a special and beautiful way. Or maybe you just like to have a good time. Fortune favors the bold. Yours is a life lived with passion and fervor, and you'd like a man to share it with.

Don't be a guy who hates himself. If you are, I'll know right away. And so does everybody else you come in contact with. Better yet, love yourself. Not in a blind infatuation way, but knowing all of the small-minded, petty, stupid, spiteful things you've done and you're capable of doing, and knowing that on balance, you have a lot to offer. And don't have fear as the organizing principle of your life. Fear of getting hurt. Fear of what people will think. Make sure that brittle, soul-killing fear has no quarter in your heart. And don't be too attached to comfort. Enjoy the good life, but know that the best things in life mean a sacrifice of a lot of what you hold dear, and comfort is usually the first thing out the door. Be quick to laugh, and even quicker to love.

So. What are you waiting for? Chat me up.

Now where'd that come from? Someone recently suggested to me that I should clarify what I want, and then I'll get it. Because that's the way life works.

And I thought about it, and I realized that was true. You do get just what you want. But the secret is knowing that you want it. Because ultimately, you do get it. And then you have to live with it.

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