Tuesday, January 20, 2009

...ummmm... ...Amen?

So that was Rick Warren's inauguration invocation?

You're kidding me, right?

Okay, I've spent my entire life listening to our Collects from the Book of Common Prayer, asking God to change us into "his likeness from glory to glory" and shield us from the "changes and chances of this life" and such, but that was just about incoherent. Was the man drunk? Is that what he subjects his thousands of worshippers to every Sunday at his Saddleback church? Did he think about it at all before hand? Was reciting the Our Father at the end his throwing in the towel?

I can only conclude that my evangelical brothers and sisters in Christ set the bar pretty low when it comes to common prayer.

1 comment:

Sebastian said...

Well, the prayer did not reach the heights of the Book of Common Prayer, but nothing does. Warren's prayer wasn't that bad.

Lowry's prayer was also reasonable, in my opinion.

Bishop Robinson's was disappointing, precisely because he didn't approach the level of standard Episcopalian worship.