Thursday, July 28, 2005


Another night of sitting in my car, moaning and wailing.

And then, I decided that it might be a good time to conjure my spirit guide, Wolf.

We only talked briefly, but it was a good talk. As usual, I aske the questions, and he answers them. (Novel for someone like me, who enjoys listening to myself talk so much [g].)

As usual, a lot was conveyed in that conversation. But here's the really important thing. Wolf told me that this time will determine the rest of my life. If I allow misery to set down roots into my soul, then I'll be miserable for the rest of my life. No matter what my future circumstances. But, if I can find joy, even during this hard time, then nothing will ever be able to hurt me again. Joy will be mine for all time.


The stakes are high, but I feel up to the challenge.

1 comment:

mhg said...

Dude...I'm thinking of ya.