Monday, March 14, 2005

Bad Finger

Y'know what I hate?

[ *world weary sigh* No. Why don't you tell us what you hate. ]

Okay! I will!

When guys on line, mostly skinhead types, put up pics of themselves giving the camera the finger.

I hate that!

What are they trying to convey?

"Oh, check me out. I'm Mr. Badass! You don't like it? They Fck You!"

Well, y'know what? Quit it! Act your age!

I totally don't get that.

Am I supposed to be like, Oh wow! What an awesome dude! Lookit how he's giving me the finger?

Well, I'm just not.

Am I supposed to send them some witty IM along the lines of "Ya wanna?"

Well I'm not.

What I usually do is close out of the bozo's profile, and say, "Noooo, fck you!" as I do it.


That's a thing I hate.



Maybe you were expecting some high minded posting?

Another time.

Just do me a favor? Dont' send me a pic of yourself giving the camera the finger to retaliate? Okie doke?

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