Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Back to the Future

The website for my 20th High School Class Reunion is up and running!

It reveals the following information

  • Three of the guys that I had the hots for--Ralph Cantanese, Jim Hering, and Tim Shelly--have given up their contact information, but have not indicated that they're attending.
  • All the people who have indicated that they're attending are people who never talked to me.
  • The folks I considered my close friends are all among the missing.
  • One classmate that I was friendly with (we worked together on the school paper) is deceased.

    A fun quip I thought up: I've sort of been like Sarah Jessica Parker in that high school was Square Pegs, but in my 30s it was all about Sex in the City.

    In the event that the questionnaire I filled out loads by the time you open up the site (I know, as if you're gonna do a thing like that...) and you find my information, astute readers will find that in that great history of high school reunions, I lied! I wrote that I was an extra on Sex in the City. In fact, I wasn't in town the weekend they had the auditions at the LURE so I wasn't able to attend, but I kinda could have been an extra in the episode of Sex in the City that they filmed there. So... like... y'know.

    Can't wait!

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