Thursday, November 13, 2003

Sub Mission

This CB2000 thing is way cool.

Had it on all day at work today. A couple of times, I bumped my encased genitals in such a way that the padlock delivered a mean little pinch to my dick. On the other hand, by moving it against the sanding table while I was working the orbital sander, I got a really pleasant vibration.

And the focus! Extraordinary. I put this thing on without thinking about it too much. And good thing, too. Chastity has never been a draw for me. What's the point? Ultimately, it's all about sex, right? If I'm not getting hard, what's the point?

Well lemme tell ya, this is so cool. It's a level of control I've never had wielded over me before. It's my dick we're talking about. I've given up my dick. SIR owns that now.

It's a different way of being in the world. I feel like I've stepped off a carousel I've been riding. Now, it's all about SIR. Even if the boy of my dreams (Starbucks Boy, for example) were to present himself as ready, willing, and available, there wouldn't be a thing I could do about it.

And there's that interesting effect: when possibilities are limited, those that remain possible are now viewed in a new way. In other words, it's all about SIR.

Something I've realized about this whole thing: the level of intimacy in a scene is wholly dependent on the bottom. If the bottom opens the door, the Top can walk in. But the Top can do a lot of things, but he can't force the door open.

Damn I hope things go well tomorrow night. I hope I bust that door right off the hinges.

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