Friday, June 06, 2003

Can't wait

Beginning on June 16th, filming will begin on a remake of the Stepford Wives, starring Bette Midler, Nicole Kidman, and Glenn Close.

Read that over again. Let it sink in.

Life is good, huh?

Oh. And a propos of the post below, I think I'll make San Francisco residency an inside joke where I'm the only one on the inside. Here's the code:

"San Franciscan" means "Annoying Asshole"
"You strike me as someone who would really thrive in San Francisco" means "You are a totally annoying asshole, aren't you?"
"I though he moved to San Francisco" means "What an annoying asshole he is."

Huh. Another thought occurs to me. There are several people I've known both before and after they moved to New York City. NYC changes a person. (Except me. Same as always. Swear to God.) But I wonder if living in San Francisco is something of a tonic for irritating assholes, and that's why they move there. At some level, they know that they're irritating assholes. They've seen the eyes glaze over when they break into conversation to deliver a lecture to the people they're talking to. And even though they hate themselves for doing this, they can't stop. And perhaps they thing, "If I lived in San Francisco, maybe I would be able to relax and not be an irritating asshole any more." Since San Francisco is arguably the Gay Sex Capitol of the World, they could be right about this intuition. Maybe what they really need is to get laid. A lot. And since that's so much easier to do in San Francisco than in New York or Philadelphia, perhaps that did the trick.

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