Thursday, June 19, 2003

Today, after therapy, I met up with UnFortunate. Both of us a grieving the loss of the Factory Cafe. Apparently there's a big sign in the window announcing the impending arrival of 'frozen desserts.'

Sic transit gloria

UnFortunate and I spent time on the pier, when for a brief time the sun was out and it was warm. New York City smelled of the sea. That's a rare thing, but I love it when it happens.

On Christopher Street, I found in an antique jewelry store a silver chain. It works well. Since I found the chain, I've been wearing it with the key to the padlock hung from it.

It's been years since I wore anything around my neck. I believe the last thing I wore was a crucifix. The sensation takes getting used to. No one, so far, has noticed and commented on it. I imagine at the gym it was assumed that I was wearing the key to my locker.


This key keeps safe something much more valuable. Or will, I hope.

Tomorrow I head into Boss Sunshine's office to fax out a press release and make follow-up phone calls for Folsom Street East. That should be interesting. Wonder if there are new people working there.

Oh. Just to clarify. I've been elected chairman of the board of directors of GMSMA. Other than the vaguely defined 'ambassador of GMSMA to the larger world,' there are no real responsibilities of the chairman in our by-laws. All the responsibilitles are on the president, and that's not me. Not to say that I won't be the servant of the president, and the board. But it's not quite the 'top job.' I'm not ready to take that on. And I'm going to be awfully busy training basanos. If things go as I hope on Sunday.

Me? Impatient?

Anyway, it's past my bedtime.


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