Thursday, June 29, 2006

High Water

You may have heard on the news
about day after day of rain, pouring
buckets, unrelenting, and right on
cue, all the local cricks and rivers are
swelling and rising over their banks.
Now, the thing is, I have someone to
blame besides good old Mother Nature.
You see, the borough of New Hope, and
similar townships and municipalities
in the area, have been hellbent for
development lo these many years.
There's nary a viable square inch
of land that they haven't planted a
McMansion or nine on. Did you know
that an acre of land can absorb 18,000
gallons of water? But when you put
a building on that land, and all the lanes
and ways and courts and runs covered
in asphalt to get to them. Now all that
water has to go somewhere, right and
glub glub glub glub
glub glub glub glub glub glub glub
glub glub glub glub glub glub glub
glub glub


glub glub


(Okay. That was purely for dramatic effect. The Ol' Homestead sits atop a fairly high hill--murder to ride my bike up when I was a kid--and we're a mile and a half up from the basement. And thanks to our sump pump, the basement stayed water free, too.)

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