Tuesday, August 29, 2006

All Things Just Keep Getting Better

So this morning on my way to work, I stopped at the Starbucks in Abington.

'N' guess what?

They have Pumpkin Spice Lattés!

It's true! Usually P.S.L.s don't make an appearance until late October, and it's not even September yet.

It smarts a wee bit, too, since it's a sure indication of the end of summer. But that blow is softened by the concurrent appearance of Pumpkin Cream Cheese muffins. And they're pretty amazing.

And y'know what else?

Been talking to this smokin' hot cigar man on worldleathermen. And for a change, he doesn't live in Nevada. He's right up the river from me. We made plans to meet up tomorrow night. Last night, we managed to talk on the phone. Really good conversation. Really good. I started out sitting on the porch, and took a walk in the darkness. I noticed a few stars visible and mentioned it, and he was looking at the same sky. That was a beautiful moment, two men, strangers to each other, both looking at the same nighttime sky. A connection.

So I'm driving home through the pouring rain today--the first of Ernesto reaching us, I guess--and he sends me a text message on my phone: "Where are u?" "Driving north on 611" I answered. "Thought tonight might be a latte night." "Oh it definitely is. About to take care of that."

Slowly it dawned on me. Could he be in Doylestown? I posed that question. And he was.

He drove all the way down, to surprise me.

Why... that's something I would do! I do that for guys, but guys don't do that for me.

And he's even hotter in person than he is on the net. We walked through a drizzly Doylestown, down to the Mercer Museum. And we kissed. It was electric, and left me wanting more. A lot more.

And we still get to see each other again tomorrow! This was "in addition to," not "instead of." I had to rush home tonight, because my father needed to have his dinner. But tomorrow night we'll be able to spend more time together. Time enough to have cigars with our lattés.

I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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