Tuesday, August 20, 2002


Cool. The DVDs I ordered from Amazon.com just arrived. I sort of went to town. Yeah well. Here's the roster:

Sex and the City, Season One
A League of Their Own (all the inside jokes tossed around on my softball team came from this movie. I've never seen it, unless you count having every line recited by 14 gay softball players. Dirt in the skirt!)
Pitch Black (Uh, Vin Diesel appears in some really interesting bondage I hear.)
The Wild One (I've only read the MAD Magazine parody...
The Leather Boys (a really interesting film I've read about but never seen, made in England in 1962, very controversial in its time)
Starship Troopers (I bought the entire DVD of this dopey movie so I can watch this scene where Casper Van Dien gets whipped. What's up with that? Well, maybe I can sell it used on ebay. Nah, I do not have my act together enough to sell anything on ebay.)

Now all I need is to actually be in my apartment for a length of time sufficient to watch any one of these. Not very likely!

"I call my dog Eleanor because she's not much to look at and I can't keep her home."
You go, Eleanor!

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