Friday, September 27, 2002

Hey! Google!! NOTICE ME!!!

This is my favorite url that comes up when you google my name. Tragically, one url that doesn't come up when you google my name is The other day I sent the nice folks at Google an email (that was totally transparent, I'm sure) saying, "Gosh, when I searched on Drew Kramer I was hoping to find his blog, which is at" So far, it looks like Google hasn't opened my email. One day.

And what in the name of all that is holy is The Shadow, you ask? This (possibly now defunct) East Village Anarchist publication. I 'met' one of the editors on a (definitely now defunct) gay computer bulletin board thingy and he asked me to pen an article for them. And I did. And he loved it. It was long. Way long. Like taking up most of the issue. And I did one or two more after that. Of all the things I've had published, I'm proudest of them.

"Of all the things I've had published..." Huh. Listen to me. "Of the five things I've written that have been read by people besides high school teachers and college professors..." would be more like it.

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