Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Who Writes This Stuff?

Yo. If'n you're a twisted f*cker like me, you might want to keep an eye out for the episode of that cheesy poor man's X Files called Supernatural entitled "Human Prey."


The two guys--whatever their names are--are investigating strange disappearances somewhere in the midwest. And whaddyaknow! It turns out that the perpetrators are a bunch of hillbillies with bad teeth who enjoy abducting men, keeping them caged, and then releasing them and hunting them down.

For real!

We're talking scenes of guys in cages. (And great cages, too! Steel i-beam frames and rebar. (Rebar! Brilliant!) And the hunt scenes worked for me, too. No intimations of any cannibalism gooing on though. But there was a scene of a jar of human teeth kept as trophies.

Oh! And when cage guys were trying to figure out what the deal was, one of them offered that they were in for a 'Ned Beatty action.' How cool is that?

There is something about abduction and caging that just gets my juices flowing.

And I can watch this stuff on television! What a wonderful world.

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