Wednesday, January 08, 2003


The best thinga bout the Republican Convention coming to New York in 2004? I'll make a fortune. I'm going to start now designing and printing a complete line of t-shirts, mugs, baseball caps, and key chains bearing the words I LIKE DICK!. (With a wee picture of the Vice President's face as the dot in the exclamation point.) It's time for all of us unabashed fans of the former CEO of Halliburten to put our admiration, respect, and deep love of the undeisclosed location dweller right out there in the daylight. If romors continue to grow that W. is contemplating replacing the Number Two spot on the ticket with Condoleeza Rice, well that will call for a corrollary line of t-shirts: YA GOTTA HAVE DICK!. It's a great country, and the myocardial infarction prone, lesbian daughter lovin' VPOTUS makes it all the greater.

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