Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The Project Of The Day was to tackle the front porch. As planned, that meant washing down the siding of the house, sweeping it off, and getting the grime off some of the furniture out there. And all went as planned. But then, the Design Fever got hold of me. First off, I came up with this Perfect arrangement for the furniture out there. But there was one problem. Y'see, although it's the front porch, outside of the front door, that leads onto a screened porch, my parents felt the need for one of those awful aluminum screen doors. Most of the time, I left the thing open on it's hinges. It was in the way, didn't look good, and served no real purpose.

So I realized that it was just screwed into the doorframe with about fifteen screws.

And I have a screwdriver.

So the aluminum screen door is now stacked up against the wall out in the tractor barn.

And it totally makes all the difference. No longer is there this stupid, unattractive aluminum screen door hanging open on the porch. When the front door is wide open, it makes it what it ought to be: another room, all be it one with a nice breeze.

As I was setting to work removing the screen door, a thunderstorm blew up. So it was verrrrrry dramatic, with lightning striking seemingly right over my head and loud peels of thunder. I couldn't resist a few BWA-ha-ha-ha-haaa's.

My father is going to be pissed. "You did what???" Not, mind you, because he's particularly attached to aluminum screen doors. Just because it's a change, and he's never ever liked any change whatsoever. Even when it's for the better.

But he will have to live with it. (BWA-ha-ha-ha-haaaa!) Y'see, as the thunderstorm raged, he pleaded with me not to leave the house today. Thunderstorms get him panicky, and he wanted to be hear. I agreed (I was fetching the screwdriver when we had this exchange), and thought to myself, "Aha! And now, you owe me one! And that 'one' will be getting used to the idea that from now on, you'll be living in a house without a stupid, ugly aluminum screen door."

I finished up my diabolical task in time to sit on the porch, Faithful Companion at my feet, and enjoy the tail end of the thunderstorm.

I love when it rains this time of year. You can see the plants growing. Now, the storm passed, the air is cool and the air is filled with birdsong. And I'm enjoying all of it from my nice, clean, screened in porch.

As I did this, I was thinking of Dwell, the best magazine ever. Given what I had to work with, and given that I have a budget of $ 0.00, I did my best to make it look "Dwelly" out there, and I'm pretty pleased with my efforts. I did my best to have nothing distract from the lush greenery outside. Simple and clean.

Now, I'd like to have folks (or folk) over for dinner. A nice porch party. I'll think about how I could make that work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See the May 31 Home Design issue of New York magazine.