Sunday, February 23, 2003

A good day. Went to the GMSMA Novices SIG. Low-key this week, but I enjoyed it. Then I had a light meal with Past President at Cafe Sha Sha. (Note: my softball team beat their softball team.) And then, I went to the Spiegel to see Does Windows play in a pool tournament. Alas, DW got nervous in the tournament and was eliminated in the first round. But, he was first up after the tournament, and for several games beat all comers, including the winner of the tournament. 'At's my boy! While I was hanging off of my pool playin' guy, a friend of mine, the very hot partner of the very hot Mr. Eagle 2003, came over and said, "What a hottie! Where'd you meet him?" *sigh* In an interesting turn of events, DW blew a shot, and ended up losing to none other than the parnter of Mr. Eagle 2003. And, DW has only been shooting pool for the past five months.

So many budding skills and aptitudes has DW!

(Fifteen and a half inches.)

Which is sort of interesting. An issue raised in the Sex and Spirit piece by Joseph Bean that Past President passed on to me states the case that being a parent is a vital part of the human life cycle. When you become a parent--responsible for the life and welfare of another human being--it makes you become an adult pretty fast, as that's sort of a prerequisite. Alas, many gay men, deprived of the experience of being a parent, remain perpetual adolescents. So Bean says that it's a very good thing if we find a way to fulfil the role of parent. And by some great coincidence, into my life comes Does Windows, who has a variety of kinky interests and a few experiences, but is essentially at the start of his journey. (Last night at dinner he interupted something I was saying to ask, "What do you mean by S/M?") So in addition to enjoying his company, I'm going to do my best to guide him into this life, let him explore, and be of any help as far as offering him new experiences as I can.

It's sort of fascinating. I mean, where do I begin? History, I suppose. And the handkerchief code. And Top, bottom, and switch. And safe, sane and consensual. I could give him a reading list (the Leatherman's Handbook, Leatherfolk, LeatherSex Q&A, Joe Bean's Flogging), but I sort of want this to be passed on by oral tradition.

Oh. Here's an interesting footnote... Does Windows is Moslem.
Make love, not war!

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