Sunday, February 09, 2003


That's me. For one thing, I work tomorrow. For another, this will be hell week. Monday night will be a Program Committee meeting for GMSMA, Tuesday the GMSMA Executive Committee meeting, Wednesday is the GMSMA Program night, and Thursday is this daffy forum I'm organizing for work. And then, I was looking forward to meeting up with boy wonderful tonight, but he copped out. Pipes burst, he had to fire three of his staff, that kind of thing. I was planning on having him polish and shine my boots, then give him a flogging with my doe skin flogger. Alas.

Now here's a weird thing. I keep thinking about Sarge. Or rather, I keep thinking that it would be nice to be dating someone, if that someone was someone like Sarge. Or like Special Guy. Go figure. The whys and wherefores of that elude me. Maybe it's time. For one thing, I hardly know Sarge; I don't even know for sure anyone who knows him so that I could pursue my junior high school approach. Damn I miss Special Guy. He's in Palm Springs right now, which is a very good thing. That's far enough away so as to be out of my sphere of influence. It was so nice spending time with him, hanging out with him, having sex with him, and sleeping with him. Like it's never been before with me and another man. Not to say that it couldn't be that way with somebody besides Special Guy. But he was that rare combination of body, mind, and spirit that just pushed all my buttons.

Damn I miss Special Guy. I want a Steady Eddie.

More reason not to be a pot smoker. A few months ago, I hooked up with a Factory Cafe regular that I'd had an eye for since we met the year before. Sex was not good. He basically just wanted to suck my dick. He had spent a lot of time as a closet case, and hadn't really moved beyond that. He wasn't looking for any connection, in fact, it seemed to be a problem for him that he knew my name. And, he swore me to secrecy. "Don't tell nobody." Anyway, during our interaction, I realized that the reason he always had this pleasant, dreamy expression on his face was because he's stoned 24/7. He doesn't work (well, he owns some rental properties). He just tokes up, goes to the Factory Cafe, and comes back to his apartment around the corner and tokes some more when he feels his buzz is lifting.

Anyway, today I was sitting next to him in Factory Cafe. In came this guy. I think they had been boyfriends. At least, I remember seeing them together pretty frequently several months ago. They had an interesting conversation.

Guy: Hey! How's it going? Good to see you.
Toker: Hi, good to see you too. Not too much.
Guy: Yeah, what'cha been doing with yourself?
Toker: Y'know. Not much.
Guy: Doing anything lately?
Toker: Not too much, no.
Guy: See any movies? Read any books? Go anyplace?
Toker: No. Not really.

The guy was sort of fishing around in oatmeal looking for something to chew on. And there wasn't anything there. He seemed pretty disgusted.

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