Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Scenes from a Madcap, Kinky Life

I was perusing the Academy website, and notice that they did a lot of duct tape gags without the benefit of Saran Wrap. This got me to wondering if Saran Wrap was really necessary. The problem would be hair, right. So, I decided to test it. I took out my PVC tape, and gave myself a gag. I notice it really is effective as a gag. Try as I may, I can't make much in the way of sound. But, I thought, I'd better leave it on a while. So I go into the kitchen to get dinner (Tonight: Beef Stroganoff!) ready. I'm chopping up Cremini mushrooms when I notice framed in a lit window two of my neighbors, who are pointing at me and talking to each other. I wave. But then I tried to smile, and I realized that I'm wearing a duct tape gag. If they call 911 I'll have some explaining to do.

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