Thursday, May 15, 2003

Huh. Whaddya know. Developments.

Last night was the GMSMA program presented by members of our TNG (The Next Generation, for men into or exploring S/M who are age 19-35.) I sort of thought it would be a dog, but it wasn't. Gumball for the mind that I'm rolling around in my head still: all of those guys up on stage have never know a world without AIDS in all the time that they've been sexually active. I had a small window of oblivion. It was 1984 or so when I first heard about a disease worse than herpes that you got from gay men from New York. (I was living in Bucks County then.)

Afterwards, I was on my way home when I stopped in at Ty's. I forgot that Wednesdays is the night that Ty's has fundraisers of sorts in the form of a fifty-fifty raffle for our softball team. I bought an arms length, and ended up winning a Ty's tshirt. And then there was the drawing for half the proceeds, and who emerges from the shadows to claim the prize but that hot new guy on our team, whom we shall call Alabam'. So we started talking. He said he thought I was All That. I said I thought he was All That too. Then he asked me about this S/M stuff.

I always feel like suddenly I'm explaining sex to a class of third graders when I'm in this situation. I wish I had thought of the S/M is to Sex as Extreme Sports is to Golf analogy, but I didn't. Alabam' stated he had long had an abiding desire and interest, but hadn't done too much about it. So I must have said something right.

So we talked and talked and talked. He's an artist. He paints. He grew up in a very conservative family in the South who disowned him when they learned he was HIV positive. He's been in NYC for four years. And we talked and we talked and we talked.

Then he asked for a ride home. I was only too happy to oblige. Then he suggested I stop up for a bit. I was only too happy to accept his hospitality.

(cut now to waves crashing against a shore while violins swell.)

Well that was a pleasant evening.

I'm wondering though if this will complicate things on the softball team. A buddy of mine is very very clearly hot for Alabam'. So much so that he lapses into a deep southern accent whenever Alabam' is near. Will there be bitterness and viciousness? Will that Balllbreakers bonhommie founder on the shoals of sexual tension?

Singletails is starting to get interesting, huh?

And more good news. I have a date on Saturday night for a seriously experienced whipping bottom. This boy was in NYC for the GMSMA meeting on cutting and bloodsports two weeks ago. We met briefly at the meeting. The energy was very good. On my part anyway, and I assume on his, as he asked to meet when he'll be in NYC this weekend. The last several men I've whipped have been first-timers. This is a wonderful experience in itself, but not without some anxiety. Can't wait.

Life is good. Even when it's not.

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