Sunday, May 04, 2003

Well that was pretty good.

Last night, I went to the Spiegel. Early on, I was getting pretty annoyed. All those white sneakers. I was trying to decide that given the fact that this is the lamest excuse for a leather bar I've been to, and I've been to quite a few, I was wondering what the chances are that the Spiegel is the lamest excuse for a leather bar ever. Just when I was wondering whether I would enjoy feeding them all into a wood chipper more than bricking up the doors with everybody inside, in walks my favorite former Door to Door Bible Salesman. He and I are pretty sweet on each other, and he has had a big thing going--call it a strange and wonderful relationship--with Diabolique for year that I'm pretty much in awe of. So he and I steamed up the windows a little bit, then made a quick stop, and headed to Jersey City for a nice night of spooning, followed by some comfort sex this morning. We had a late breakfast (as in, missed brunch and had to wait until the kitchen reopened for dinner) at Sazerac.

Oh. A very handsome man I'm pretty sweet on responded to the news that I'm moving out of NYC by offering to let me stay on in his cage. Now that's a pretty tempting offer.

So's anyways, so's after I dropped off the Bible Salesman, I was heading off to meet The Kid for our scene, and he called and asked for a raincheck as he didn't feel he was in the right head space. I was happy to oblige: I want every thing to be perfect for his first time. And, I love honesty and openness in bottoms.

So I headed over to the Dugout for Beer Blast. And I'm glad I did. Ran into a few guys I know, had a few beers, and pretty soon I was in The Zone: everything is dandy, I'm feeling good, all is right with the world. I went outside to smoke and spotted a very hot man. He smiled, came over, and said that we had met last year down in Fort Lauderdale. I remembered perfectly. Except for the part about why we didn't hook up. I must have had a plane to catch or something. Gave him my number and I'm hoping he'll call.

Oh. And the insight of the day: Bears love Joan Jett! I have never been in the Dugout when I haven't heard someone put a Joan Jett song on the juke box. Maybe because she played Leather Tuscadero on Happy Days...

Now I can barely keep my eyes open. Time for bed. 'Night, folks.

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