Monday, November 04, 2002

Saturday, the Baron and I went to the Lure. A really good night for them. Excelsior MC (I think that's who it was) did a bar night. The place was packed. I ran into none other than Schlitz. Back from DC, about to go jetting off for a month in Australia, then back, then down to the Dominican Republic. I guess that dating Schlitz is pretty much a hopelessly unrealistic fantasy. But, having him swinging off my dick is still within the realm of possibility. We talked about hooking up for dinner on Sunday, but it seems that was not to be. ARt and his boyfriend were also at the Lure. Great to see them both. Yeah, I doffed my shirt so ARt could admire what remains of his handiwork.

Sunday morning, I made church, and then went off to the GMSMA novices group. Which left me grumpy. It could have been all of the cookies I ate for four straight hours. Or it could have been a vague discomfort with being a novice. Because I'm not. For sure, there are several things I could do better, and it wouldn't be correct to say that I know all there is to know, and certainly learned lots yesterday... but somehow 'novice' just doesn't sum it up for me. And, I wish there was more discussion, rather than just 'How To.' This is profoundly unusual for me, pragmatic soul that I am ("Praxis! Not theory!"). Or, it could just be all that sugar.

The Baron and I had dinner afterwards. Then we went to the Dugout (love that place). It was actually sort of sparse. Then, I had to run up to the office, so I could fax off a press advisory to get into the AP Daybook. Luckily, that was pretty uncomplicated.

The Baron admitted to me over dinner that his purpose and intent in coming up here for the weekend was to provide support and comfort in the wake of my getting dumped by Special Guy. He found me to be not in much need of that, and asked what was up. I considered, and came up with an answer of sorts. Men are like foreign countries. Let's take Nepal as an example. Let's say you decide you'd like to visit Nepal. So you read up on the place, and even read the experiences of other people who hav ebeen there. Fine. But ultimately, you'll have to go to Nepal if you really want to know the place. Doubtless, there will be wonderful and sublime expreiences, and a whole history and people to learn about. But, there's also really awful aspects, and the whole disequilibrium of being someplace strange. Now, I'm not looking to move to Nepal. I just want to learn more about it (and thereby learn more about myself), and come home. Now, if I were to go to Nepal and find out after spending a decent amount of thime there that it was a great place and I never wanted to leave, then sure, I'm open to that possibility.

So, too, with men. I'm not looking for a relationship, but I do want to get to know them. I want to spend time. Doubtless, there will be things I like, and things I don't like. And, if I were to find someone I'd want to be in some kind of ongoing relationship with, that would be fine. But until then, it's all about variety.

I think that still makes me a Toxic Bachelor, though. Well, no. I'm not. Well yes, I am. I have to think up a less perjorative term. How about, Conscientious Objector from the Great Relationship Crusade that 99% of the people around me seem to be caught up in? Like that better. Conscientious Objector from the Relationship Crusade.

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