Sunday, January 04, 2004

The Bucky Saga: So Much For That

On my way to do the weekly grocery shopping, I stopped in to Starbucks for some Time for Me.

Fun Fact From the Book I'm Reading I Probably Didn't Need To Know...
Did you know that smoking a pack of cigarets per day reduces your life excpectancy, on the average, by five years. And yet, if you have your testicles removed, you'll extend your life, on the average, by seven years.

Anyway, Bucky wasn't in evidence when I was getting my latte, but when I got up to leave, there he was. Cool. And his beard is even making a reappearance.


But then Bucky and I had a little talk. I always like talking to Bucky. He asked how I was doing and what I was up to. I said that everything was copescetic. And then I asked how he was.

"Great," said Bucky, "I've got a girl. We hung out for hours last night. From 2 a.m. until 5 a.m.. So today I'm a little bit out of it, but at the same time, I'm just feeling great, y'know."

And just as I was thinking to my self "Ah well, it couldn't be a lot worse," Bucky says, "So do you have a girl."

I said I did not, in fact, have a girl. I didn't elaborate that I was looking for a boy.

See, I'm really bad in trawling these waters. I always end up foundering on the shoals of sexual ambiguity. Like always. For me, it's gotta be all open and above board.

But, I did talk to Hort today. We're meeting up for dinner on Wednesday night.

Very cool.

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