Monday, June 07, 2004

Again With The Pain

Found a place in New Hope that does body piercing. They seemed nice. Very amenable to putting my post back in.

It hurt.

Not as bad as it did when I got it pierced, but it hurt. And not as prolonged as when I got inked. But it hurt.

And here's the weird thing. The piercing guy rams it in, it hurt, so I went "Yeeeuuuhrrrr..." And he stopped. Midway.

"Is it in?" I asked.

"No," he answered, "Do you want me to continue?"

"Well, of course! I want it back in before I have to go through getting it pierced again. I'm just making noise to process the pain."

So he rammed it all the way through and I made more noise.

Am I the only one that finds having a ten gauge steel post jammed through my tendor flesh to be a painful experience? I guess I am.


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