Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Here it is...

12/2/02 5:45 pm - 7:15 pm
Gay Sex Panel
Suite 424
BARRIERS TO HIV PREVENTION: Non-identified and Heterosexual identified men, With same sex attraction and/or same sex behavior.
Dave Nisbett
Barebacking??!!! The Failure of an Abstinence-Based HIV-Prevention Intervention
Drew D. Kramer

This is a presentation I'm giving at a conference in December. Now, all I have to do is write it! Not really. 'Organize my thoughts' is a better way of describing it. It's an issue I've been giving a lot of thought to over the past year or so. I wonder what the other guy is gonna be talking about. I think he's from Harlem United, doing HIV prevention work in African-American communities here in NYC. I'm pretty pleased with the provacative title I came up. At this conference several years ago I gave a presentation on 'Institutional Barriers to Implementation of Harm Reduction Grounded Prevention Programs.' About four people showed up for that rip-roarin' good time.

Gosh, I am such the jet-setter. In a week and a half I fly out to Portland, Oregon for a wedding. In November, I am likely going to be going to Chicago for a Chicago Hellfire Club event, then in December it's out to Seattle for the conference. And in January, down to DC for Mid-Atlantic Leather. And I hope I can get away for some trips down to Fort Lauderdale during that time. Gotta keep up my tan.

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