Sunday, October 27, 2002

(What am I doing blogging when I should be sleeping? Anyway...)

Just back from the Lure. Ran into Lolita, which was cool. I got to take off my tank top and show her my back. And I also showed off my back to Coyote, Mr. Lure 2002, Mr. Leather New Jersey 2001, and whoever else I could corner.

Y'know, what is it with me? Why can't I pick up guys? There was this amazing looking man there. Wearing chaps, with his butt hanging out the back and his 00 gauge PA hanging out the front. No really. And he was flagging right. And he had a nice, unblemished back. No. Scratch that. He had a beautiful back. First, a way hot Dad in a latex MC Officers uniform was putting the moves on him. "Oh well, I thought." I sat and watched for a while, then made another tour, finished my beer, and headed for the coat check. And who was right ahead of me at the coat check? Beautiful Back. It actually crossed my mind to say, "Hey, Buddy. Nice back." What would be the harm? Where's the risk? What's he gonna do? Whack me with the chain hanging off his PA? Unlikely. But no. I silently watched him collect his clothes and move to the corner to dress. Admittedly, I was kinda distracted by coat check boy. He had a nice smile (and a nice back), and he called me 'Sir.' But, that's the Eternal Bartender Fallacy. Of course he's gonna be sweet and flirty: he's working for tips!

On the other hand, the chances of connecting with a serious bottom at the Lure are vanishingly small. Even though they were showing a video that actually featured S/M. Albeit a pretty lame and harmless variety. I'm going to go buy the Fallen Angel series and donate it to them. Maybe GMSMA should do a video dungeon demo series, since doing live dungeon demos seems to be no longer an option since the closure of the dank, mildewed, airless, grimey, cellar that was previously the site of those festivities.

It's been months and months since I did whipped a man. Well, not true. It's been seven weeks. But still. I'm due. I suppose I should be more attentive to the guys that approach me on AOL or Leather Navigator. Set up coffee dates to interview, see if there's a connection, and if so, schedule a scene. Uh. So much work. Just like Past President's post-Inferno resolution: Play more. Must play more. Maybe I need an agent. You can get a rep for just about anything in this town (personal shoppers... think about that). I should hire some guy to circulate at the bars, talking me up, take a polaroid and get a phone number if he gets any bites, and I'll sit home eating Tollhouse Cookies. "Hi, Titus. It's Drew. Who do you have me whipping this Friday? What's the file number on him? Got it. How tall is he? I can't really tell from the picture. Oh, perfect. Experience? Been flogged a few times, huh? Well I can work with that. He's okay with marks? No boyfriend or anything? Good, good. Did you ask if he would prefer restraints? Okay, no problem, I'll take care of that question when we negotiate. Wait a minute... I don't see the contact information for aftercare... Oh, right. There it is. Okay, we're all set. Friday at 10pm. Call him and tell him to eat about 2 hours before hand. Light supper, heavy on the carbs, easy to digest. And you briefed him on the substances policy? Good. And he's okay with that? Perfect."

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