Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Love this guy's blog, but I think he's kind of off base on his anger at bois (I guess that should be boies) and bodies. Although I don't support unnecessary spelling changes ('boy' works fine; why fix it?), I have no problem with a 35, 45, or 55 year old man calling himself a boy. Doing so is not an admission of being a fan of the Power Rangers, being anxious about the onset of puberty, spending Saturdays skateboarding in Union Square, or the like. Rather, it's positioning oneself as seeking a Daddy. Preferably a Hot Daddy. Basking in the love and attention of a strong, self-confident, seasoned, butch guy. Possibly taking a sexually submissive role as well, but not necessarily.

As an aspirant Daddy (when the guy behind the counter at Starbucks says, "Will that be all, Sir?" I just want to jump across that counter and kiss him hard), I'd love to mold myself into a man that boys will be drawn to. And it's work, believe me. You can't mentor until you've got your act together in a big, big way.

And that includes your physical health and well-being. I certainly don't take issue with his disparaging gay men who use the size of their biceps and body fat percentage as the only props holding up their precariously perched egos. But I would maintain that it has to be part of the picture. There is just no excuse not to work out. At home, at the gym, lifting weights or just doing sit-ups and push-ups. It's not fun. It's one of the more tedious activities I can name. But it's necessary. Why? Because that's how we're hard-wired. Why do male birds often have such elaborate plummage? Because for birds (think of the peacock), that plummage is what's called a secondary sex characteristic. There are visual cues in the brains of the simples organisms that reproduce sexually that indicate, "Oh, that's a male." Evolution dictates that those secondary sex characteristics become exagerated over time, as the peacock with the biggest feathers will register as "Yo! That's very much a male!" and be out reproducing his dowdy fellows.

Broad shoulders, facial hair, sturdy musculature, body hair, baldness, and a narrow waist are among the secondary sex characteristics of the human male. In short, if you want to be attractive to potential sexual partners, you want to make sure as many of those as possible are in place, and the more, the better. Am I a body fascist? No, not a bit. One of my favorite secondary sex characteristics of the human male is a beer gut. To me, a gut speaks of a lover of life, and indulger in life's simpler pleasures (i.e., good food and beer).

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