Monday, March 31, 2003

Hey, Kids! Let's put on a show in the barn!

At the LURE on Saturday, there was much talk of "Now where are we gonna go?" The consensus was that we'll all probably be showing up at the Eagle. Ho humm. I honestly can't see getting all excited about going to the Eagle on Saturday nights the way I usually am about the LURE. More often than not, I go to the Eagle and just get irritated. At one point, in the circle of men I was talking to, I said, "Y'know, what this town really needs is play space. A good dungeon. Before I'd put effort and energy into opening up a new bar, I'd want to see that happen." There was instant and immediate agreement. We started talking about logistics. A lawyer present said that liability would be the biggest concern. If someone visiting the club got their ear sliced off with a whip, they would sue for damages, and that would be the end of that. And, getting insurance ot cover that would be next to impossible. Release forms, in his opinion, are pretty meaningless, because no one would willingly and knowingly sign there name to a document if they knew that it would result in his ear being cut off.

Good point, but I think that obstacle must be surmountable. I mean, there are dungeon play spaces in every city in the country, and some pretty amazing ones at that. In fact there is one in New York City, but it is predominately hetero.

I'm wondering if it wouldn't work to run it purely as a membership organization, where each of the members has joint and several liability for whatever happens at the club. Therefore, if my ear gets lopped off, I would, in fact, be suing myself as a member. I'd pay $100 a month for the privilege of membership, and if there were 100 other men in this town who would be willing to do that, that's $10,000 a month. I wonder what that would get us in terms of square footage? Possibly we'd need to have someone employed by the membership to run the place, as having 100 people with keys would get unwieldy. There already exist places in NYC to go for sex, and I wouldn't want to be in competition with them. I'm thinking of a place with plenty of room to swing a whip, some floating bondage boards, chain hoists, that kind of thing.

I think it should be painted orange inside.

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