Saturday, March 22, 2003

Today was the first day of softball practice. It was wonderful. There were ten of us (most of the team). We met at noon in front of the Dug Out and drove up to Randall's Island. I didn't have a chance to eat before I left home, so I grabbed a protein drink. Whilst I was getting the drink, I found an 'energy' drink. "Perfect," I thought. After a few sips, I felt my blood pressure drop like the NASDAC and my heart was pounding. I read the label. Caffeine, Taurine, and Ephedrine. I was speeeeeeding. I can see why it's banned in professional sports. I did great during our practice. I am so looking forward to being back in the swing of things with softball.

After practice, we stopped into Ty's for a few beers, then I met up with the guy who convinced me to go to the Black Party tonight. As was my plan, I was off to get a turkey sandwich. Being tired from the practice (and coming down from the Ephedrine), along with the L-Triptophan in the turkey, and I was pretty sure I would be ready for a nap.

I am so ready for a nap.

So off I go, into the land of Nod. First, I'll give Past President a call and firm up plans for this evening. Here's hoping I can keep my eyes open that long.

I'll let you know how it all comes out.

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