Wednesday, March 26, 2003

I had a really thought provoking exchange with Edge last night on Leather Navigator. He asked what I was writing about, and I replied, "S/M and spirituality." So is he. Past President mentioned that in preparation for the GMSMA Special Interest Group on S/M and Spirituality, he was meeting with a guy in DC who is also writing a book about S/M and spirituality. On the one hand, this is sort of affirming to me, as I seem to be tapping into something that people other than myself are asking questions about; but on the other hand, if and when I do manage to get published, will that event be greeted with, "Oh. Another book about S/M and spirituality" and a yawn behind fanned fingers?

So Edge posed the question, is this new emerging or old returning?

Good question, or what? I mean, it's not like S/M is a new phenomenon. And, there are shelves full of books published on the subject. That said, most of the books deal with technique. I think it's natural that now that there is a critical mass of practitioners skilled in technique, we should all set about trying to identify why a good scene is so much more than ths eum of the parts.

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