Monday, August 04, 2003


I've been spending time recently on WorldLeathermen, trying to hunt up local boys to chain up. A very hot boy and I have been exchanging instant messages. He states he's not into pain, so I'm thinking up scenes I could do that are... y'know... brutal and mean without being painful. (I actually love constraints like this in planning a scene; it's like writing a sonnet.)

Now, this particular hot boy harbors abduction fantasies as sort of his Really Big Thing that gets him off. I'm sort of inclined to take him up on that.

This is all very tricky, since we live in the age of omnipresent security cameras. Ideally, it would run something like this: boy is walking alone down a lonely city street; an Accomplice leaning against an unmarked van asks boy a question; while boy is distracted answering, Man comes from behind and covers boys mouth with one hand, overpowering him with the other; Accomplice and Man hustle boy into the back of the van; in the van, boy is stripped and and securely bound; after much driving around, boy is taken to a Remote Location; he is blindfolded and taken out of the van, let's say lead by a rope attached to his balls; once in Remote Location, boy is chained or locked in a cell, still blindfolded, and left alone for a while; after some time, Man and Accomplice return to work boy over for a while, saying ominously threatening things like, "This is the last the world is gonna see of you, boy. You're fuckin toast." After a hot time is had by all, boy is bought dinner at a nice restaurant, and returned to the lonely street where he was picked up.

Okay. Let's break that down...

Lonely Street? There's no such thing. At least, nowhere that anyone I know would have any reason to be. "I need to take a walk to clear my head. I think I'll drive out to that industrial park by the docks in Bayonne, New Jersey." And even at the industrial park by the docks in Bayonne, New Jersey, they probably have security guards, right? Getting arrested would really suck.
Unmarked Van? I drive a silver Jeep Liberty. Now, I could fold down the back seats and accommodate a bound boy easily, but would Accomplice have to ride in the back? That would be uncomfortable. And boy would be able to look out the windows unless he was blindfolded. I guess that could be worked out, but it would still be awkward.
Accomplice? I couldn't pull this off alone. I'd need someone to help me on this. Who do I know that would be up for this? No one comes immediately to mind.
Remote Location? That would be my apartment in Jersey City. There are never not kids hanging out on the street corner, not to mention my various and sundry neighbors who would be putting out their garbage or running out to buy a quart of milk or whatever. And there I'd be, fumbling with the keys, saying hello to Faithful Companion who would want to sniff boy while wagging his tail, and there would probably be messages from telemarketers on my answering machine ("Hi! This is Natalie calling from Travel Services Center? And I have some really great news for you? So give me a call as soon as you can and I'll...") that I'd have to pick up or I'd be getting a beep-beep-beep.
Leaving boy chained up and going away for a while? The chaining up part is not a problem. But how do I manage the going away for a while? Walk my dog? What if he starts yelling? (I'd want him to at least have that option...) My building super lives right across the hall from me and doesn't hesitiate to walk right into my apartment when he wants to wash paintbrushes in my kitchen sink or whatever, so I don't doubt that 'Is anybody there? Please help me! Help!!' would have him using his pass key in a jiffy.

Still, I want to figure something out, something that would not feel contrived and hokey.

Oh. And did I mention that boy recently graduated from college and is living with his parents? And that he's currently unemployed so he probably doesn't have anything resembling a fixed schedule?

What is it about abduction? Why is that so hot exactly? Just about everyone I've ever talked to on AOL harbors an abduction fantasy. Heck, I harbor abduction fantasy or two.

I wonder if I could cut down to the core of the fantasy, and start from there, constructing an extended scene that would leave the core intact but make the incidentals something more logistically workable? Gotta think on that.

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