Saturday, August 23, 2003

More about my grandfather, my S/M mentor

Oh. When I was little, my grandfather and I would play this game. We'd use rope and tie each other up in lawn chairs. The object of the game was to tie the other person so he couldn't get out. Ultimately, I won, and my grandfather spent three hours tied in a lawnchair in the back yard while I went over to my friend Carl's house. My grandmother came and released him when she went looking for him to let him know that dinner was ready. (FYI: I know longer leave my bondage bottoms unattended.) To the best of my recollection, that was the last time we played.

So my Pop was into bondage as well as whips. Bondage he had the opportunity to teach me. Whips I had to learn on my own.

The apple, as they say, doesn't fall far from the tree.

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