Monday, December 22, 2003

Christmas: Ready!

Well, just about.

Want to get something for the Baron.

But my Dad is finished. Got him some good cigars (and picked up a few that cost more than fifty cents for me while I was at it), and silk underwear to keep him warm.

And I'm giving my brother and sister-in-law a Queer Eye Christmas. When I was in Philadelphia with GI Joe on Saturday, we went to Kiehl's, maker of fine emoluments. And they have emoluments a' plenty. I'm going to sign the card "from Kyan, Carson, Ted, Thom, Jai, and your brother." They're both big fans of the show, too. And while I was at Kiehl's, I got myself (see a pattern here?) some eye moisturizer. I never ever thought that I would be a user of eye moisturizer, but Thom recommends it to we men of a certain age. Yesterday, I tried it out. Can we say "Amazing!" I mean, instant results. Pretty incredible. And I got (for myself) the cheapest stuff they sold.

Overall though, butch guy that I am, Christmas turns me into the Gayest Gay of All the Gays. You should have seen me on Sunday, out there with my garden shears (a la Martha) clipping boughs from the White Pine we have along the road in front of the house, then painstakingly arranging them on every flat surface in the house. (Did you know that the smell of pine produced feelings of well-being? So get some green in your house!) It was great unwrapping what survives of our Christmas decorations, most of them older than I am.

With the addition of a pointsettia I picked up at the super market, the place looks pretty good.

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