Monday, February 23, 2004

Try Delt'

Feeling better today than I was last night. Which, arguably, isn't saying a lot.

In part, the Mood was brought on by the realization that I would not be going to Inferno this year. Even if I could get the time off from work (verrrry unlikely), it would be unpaid time off, and I couldn't afford that financial hit, in addition to the money involved in financing the trip.

But I think I can manage Delta.

I realized this whilst messaging back and forth with Keckler on Leather Navigator. One of those moments where something percolated up to the surface that had been brewing for awhile.

Now why am I down on Delta?

For the past two years, I've had the option of doing Delta, but passed it up? Why? Because I've enjoyed doing Set-Up at Inferno, and that conflicts with Delta. And then, there's the layout issue. Y'see, Delta is spread out over a few hundred acres. You take a buss from place to place. Inferno is more condensed. I know myself pretty well. I'll sort of wander around in the woods for a weekend.

[Oh wow! There's a lesbian home owning couple on Monster House. Cool!]

But hey. How likely would it be that I go down to Delta and see no play at all? Surely some boy with the gumption that I lack will approach me with a glint in his eye. And given my MAL experience, would a weekend in the woods with a few hundred leathermen be an unpleasant way to wind down the summer? Not a bit.

But there's another issue, too. There are several guys whom I'm looking forward to seeing at Inferno who won't be going to Delta. Alpha, surely, is chief among them.

But here's a compensating thing. I believe that the majority of the men at Delta are from the Mid-Atlantic states. Locals, in other words. So if I have what Boy Meets Boy and similar shows refer to as a 'Romantic Connection,' the chances are better I'd be able to pursue that without enduring cross country airfare.

So Delta Ho!

A little bit closer to the date, I think I'll send out an email to some of the guys that I won't be seeing at Inferno and let them know how much I'll miss being among them.

Oooooh. Felt a pang there.

This too shall pass. Not like this is the final year for Inferno.

So Delta it will be.

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