Saturday, March 31, 2007

Benefits Of Blogging

Oh My Lord And Taylor! Lolita has some serious fans!

This restores my faith in humanity on a number of fronts:

1. There are people walking around on this planet who are capable of all but boundless kindness and generosity;

2. People like Lolita who do so much good in the world are sometimes rewarded for that;

3. I might get to ride in a Ferrari!

I'm reminded of when I put out the call here on SingleTails to request that readers send my father a card for his 80th birthday a few years ago. And the cards came pouring in from all over the country. My goal was for him to receive 80 cards, one for every year he's been alive. He received eighty-two. He was pretty blown away by that, and he still has all those cards. (Although I was vague on the details of who these cards were coming from. I simply told him, "Friends of mine.")

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