Saturday, January 11, 2003

How does the refrain go? "A riddle inside a mystery wrapped in an enigma"? Something like that.

The short version of the story is, I got stood up. Here's the long version... I show up at the Penthouse, bearing the collar. His friends are there, hanging out and smoking cigarets. I'm told that he is in the shower. So I hang out and smoke cigarets and play with the dogs. Time passes. His friends head out to the Lure, and I say, "Alright, see you in a bit." I sit on the floor and play with the dogs. I lie back, perhaps drifting off to sleep. I look at my watch. I've been there an hour. Hmmm. I head downstairs, calling his name. No answer. I tour the penthouse (all three floors) calling for him. I check in every room. I'm, like, all alone in the Penthouse. Unless there's a secret passageway I'm not familiar with. Which is not impossible. I collect my stuff, including the collar, and head to the Eagle.

The rich are different from you and I. How different? We're talking off the scale on the flakiness continuum. How bizarre is that? I mean, why not just say, "Tonight wouldn't work. I'll give you a call." Why leave me rambling about your penthouse? I guess I could have walked out with a Chuck Close, leaving a note saying, "I borrowed some stuff. Love ya!" Or whatever.

Ah well. Onward!

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