Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Lolita and Past President wrote to inform me that white hankies have been claimed. Lolita said for novices, and Past President said for hand jobs. Novices I could see sort of as being valid, but I refuse to cede white to hand jobs. That's even more ludicrous than blow jobs. Blowjobs, by the way, are apparently light blue. Lolita had the brilliant idea of using a color not quite white, but more the color of mashed potatoes. Which I'd be fine with, although I'm not sure how easy it would be to find mashed potato-colored hankies. Although most of my handkerchiefs that were once white have sort of resolved themselves to that color after years of wear and tear and washing. If I wanted an associative color, I think I'd go with 'golden brown,' as in scalloped potatoes, macaroni and cheese, curly fries, pancakes, toast, and grilled pelmeni.

I wonder if flannel is taken? That could be an interesting departure. Flannel, as in my flannel sheets that I love to curl up in with someone on a cold winter night. Flannel like jammies that I give you to wear while I whip up some cocoa, the likes of which you'll find nowhere else. And, flannel could be in any color, incorporating the hanky code variation. For example, if I'm flagging gray flannel left, that means I want to tie you up, but in a fun, playful, comfort sex kind of way, as opposed to, "You're goin fuckin nowhere for a while, huh pigboy?"

I spent a few hours last night working on the re-design of my den. Essentially, I've moved desk, daybed, chairs, filing cabinets over to one side of the room, and I'm leaving the entirety of the other side of the room open as play space. I discovered that I can direct the floorlamp I have so it's shining into that corner of the room. That will provide ample light for whipping and flogging, and serve the dual purpose of obscuring the bottoms ability to see my desk, the coffee table, and such.

I'm really surprised at how much space I have to work with now. This weekend, I want to see if I can find some storage bins for not a lot of money. I'm wondering if I should consider a fold-up massage table as a thing to acquire. And, if a rich uncle I didn't know I had were to got to Glory and put me in a codicil of his will, I have space where one of those amazing cages from Mr. S would work well..

And then it will be perfect. I'm ready for my Better Homes & Dungeons close up. Now if I could only figure out a way of talking boys into crossing the Hudson...

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