Sunday, April 18, 2004

Bunny Rabbit Heaven


I hate that.

Tonight, on my way to the supermarket, I ran over a bunny rabbit. I was only going about thirty-five. He ran right under my tires. I couldn't do anything. That sickening thump under my rear right tire. Poor bunny. I hope it wasn't a female, with a litter of kits (I think they're called kits) in a burrow somewhere.

And rabbits are making a return to these parts. A few winters back, we had lots of snow, and it killed off all of the rabbits. There used to be a rabbit in our back yard with a split right ear. Over the years, he got friendly with us. Instead of darting into the bushes when someone came out the door, he would sit tight. My father, of course, would talk to him, and claimed he was able to get within a few feet of him. After that hard winter, we never saw the bunny with the split ear again.

And now there's one less rabbit in the world. I hope it was quick. I said a brief prayer, sending off his spirit, saying I was sorry for taking his life.

I wish it had been a deer. Sure, there would be damage to my jeep, but deer are such vermin. I'd slaughter them all with my bare hands if I could. But not bunnies.

On the way back from the supermarket, I slowed down to make sure that there was in fact a dead rabbit on the road, and there was. And about a half a mile down the road, another rabbit darted out in front of me. I slowed and swerved to avoid him, and he did a 180. Twice. It was if he was intent on ending it all. But, he made it to the other side of the road unharmed. I wish that one a long and happy life.

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