Monday, February 03, 2003

An interesting observation about me. A virtue and a deficit, I think. I'm a good reader. I readily get into the head of whoever I'm reading. Thus, I get many insights beyond what the author has put on the page. I recently read on another blog where the blogger commented that a friend had sent him an essay by Guy Baldwin and he disagreed with it totally. That never happens with me. Where I read something and all the time I'm shaking my head and muttering, "No no no. Wrong. No." Not that I accept unquestionably everything I read, but after I adopt it and live it for a while, the internal inconsistencies become clear. Thus, I think that my critical faculties might be a little more exhaustive, although slower to work. Usually they kick in when I hear myself parroting something I read and I'll think, "What am I saying? I don't believe that? What a bunch of horse hockey."


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