Wednesday, February 19, 2003

*sigh* GMSMA's Treasurer's report is now up to date and balanced. (Give or take a few hundred dollars.) Past President once described to me a scene at DELTA he took part in a few years ago. A Top had one of those dog training collars, modified so that it went around the ball sack and was secured there by a padlock. So, the bottom put it on, and had to continue to wear it until he could convince someone else to take over for him. And all the while the Top was occasionally zapping him. ("Yeah, it's great. I hardly know it's there. It doesnt--EEEEEAAAAAAAAIIIEEEE!!!!--uh... it doesn't get in the way at all. Wanna try it") Somehow I think that I'm similarly stuck with being Treasurer until I can find someone willing to take over. Although, unless I'm elected to a two year term, I think I have to step down from the board after next year.

Yo! Quit whining. It's not that difficult now that you have the hang of it. It's a good way to serve, and it all but automatically exempts you when the call goes out for other volunteer opportunities.

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