Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Milk in First

After six months of study, the Royal Society of Chemists believes they can definitively lay to rest the age old controversy of when you add milk to a cup of tea. There have always been two schools of thought: pour the tea, then add the milk; or pour the milk, then add the tea.

Here at Singletails, we have always been adamant and strident supporters of the Milk in First approach.

We are vindicated.

The RSC has concluded that if the tea is as hot as tea should be, then it will only serve to damage the milk somewhat, as milk does not hold up to high temperatures.

Of course, this means that we here at Singletails will continue to drink a lot of coffee. Virtually no restaurant serves tea by the pot, and most coffee bars, even those that take such care over the preparation of coffee beverages, will hand you a paper cup filled with water dropping degrees Fahrenheit every second and a tea bag. Some of the worst offenders, if you request tea with milk, will add the (chilled) milk to the no-longer-hot-but-merely-lukewarm water and slide the teabag across the counter to you. It's sooooo much easier to find a good latte than it is a good cup of tea.

I've gotta find a url for the Royal Society of Chemists report and have Lolita print me up a bunch on business cards. Or maybe I can just have a 'How To' brochure printed up for mass distribution.

I wonder if anyone has ever bothered to write Starbucks Corporate Headquarters about this?

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