Monday, May 17, 2004

Picture This

I think I got the camera working and the photos edited for the web. Let's see how well I did.

Here, as promised, is one of Faithful Companion. Why, it's Little FC in a Prospect of Flowers!

Here are a few of the perennial bed that I worked like a trojan to put in. A few short weeks ago, it was bare dirt, and now it's resplendent with day lilies, bleeding heart, spider wort, digitalis, ajuga, phlox, and a few other shade tolerant, deer-resistant plantings.

Here's one of the despicable McMansions that have cropped up here in Bucks County like mushrooms in the dark. Notice the enormous window over the door. Makes quite a statement, huh? Specifically, the statement it's making is, "Guess how much I paid for that chandalier? Nope! More than that!"

And today, I got to be Delivery Guy, making a run up to Greenwich CT. Here's a pic of Delivery Guy in the cab of the truck.


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