Thursday, March 18, 2004

Horticultural Exploits

Ran into Farmer Guy at Starbucks again.


On our second encounter, I was sort of put off. He told a story about night-clubbing in Los Angeles up on E... Not what I'm up for.

But tonight, he was singing a different song. He moved back here when his father died. He gets up with the dawn to get his organic produce to market. He likes canoeing. He seems intrigued--although inexperienced--with Mondo Leather.

And he's really hot. Definitely one of the hottest men I've met since I moved here. Mr. Carharrts. Mr. Flannel Shirt. Mr. Work Boots.

And he's got a great nose. A really really sexy nose. (What's the Chinese character for nose? Maybe that would make a good tattoo...)

Questions? Yeah. I've got questions. What's his stand on the monogamy question? Is he available to date? Is he psychotic? Is he boring in bed?

I mean, several positive indicators so far. For one thing, although he's demonstrated lots of interest, he hasn't gotten all kinds of smarmy. He seems to have opted for asking questions and getting to know me rather than asking me over to look through seed catalogs.


So I'll play it as it lays. But the situation has possibilities.

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