Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Thanks, Jacques Barzun!


So after work, I stopped into Starbucks. Didn't have a lot of time. Our dishwasher went ker-plooie the other day, and my father asked me to stop off after work and get a new one. And we were doing our taxes tonight.

So anyway, I got my latte, found a seat, sat down, opened my journal, and for the first time fulfilled my New Year's resolution. That's it. I did some writing. For the second section of the book.

Not a lot. About three hundred words. But cool stuff.

Now what the hell does that have to do with the crumudgeonly sage of Columbia U.? Well, currently I'm reading The Collected Writings of Jacques Barzun. And it's really good. Barzun is a beautiful writer, and it's pithy and readable. But I wasn't in the mood for Jacques today, and so instead of reading, I did some writing.

And that felt great.

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